They Moved The Furnace 2 Steps Off To"Counter-Act" This Change
Can you already have bunyip/unicorn? Saradomin Godsword isn't necessary for slaying... Much like Bandos armour. Why use Bandos if Barrows armour has improved defence? +2 prayer and +6 strength hardly justifies the exorbitant price I guess. Not much you can change actually... Unless you wan na na purchase Dragon Claws for a unique attack weapon or something... Which is kind of useless too because you can replace this RS gold with a Dragon Dagger P++/Enhanced Excalibur... Zamorakian Spear to get Waterfiends tasks if you get them...?
As of right now, I'm at level 68 combat, that is a small low to conquer 2 level 100 dagganoths. I had been wondering what the best setup is for me to really go about the last battle. Im planning to use the greatest potential mage strikes I could, but I need to understand the best setup I could use and make it out of this struggle alive and it needs to be cheap, I am a little tight on money. Thank you Beforehand. Im also planning on attracting sharks as meals. P.S. is there a safespot for maging? Because if there is, I believe I will probably only do this. (that is what I did for lost town )
I don't feel that there is a safespot (you'll have to double check). I did it at about precisely the exact same combat level as you, mind you I'd Protection Prayers. The very first Dagganoth is quite simple, so just melee him. If you happen to own Void Armour (out of Pest Control) that Buy rs 3 gold would be extremely helpful. Protection Prayers are also very useful, though it might cost you close to 1m to reach 43 Prayer. The battle aganst the second Dagganoth will be quite demanding, so try to incorporate when you need to switch between Range/Melee/Mage.