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RuneScape - This will make the game more enjoyable

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Consider the advantages of RuneScape gold removing the free trade option for free players: This will make the game more enjoyable and less likely to be hacked. While there probably would still be some (it is unlikely to reach the low levels of prior to the introduction of free trade), it will make the game more playable again. It is possible to consider it to be traditional, but it would be much easier to be scammed, and it will be easier to fool newer players.

Having free trade as member's benefit would give an incentive to players to become membership, as well as the greater enjoyment of playing will encourage them to stay around longer. However, freeplayers would find this unpopular, since it means the wilderness could disappear again. The PvP World might be reinstated at their site for freeplay. This could give players who like them to the Wildy an area to play PK.

The integrity of Jagex is, however, at risk of suffering the most damage. Although this is an excellent step towards making the game more entertaining however, some players might consider it to be a sign of indecisiveness or even lying about bringing the wilderness back. From a business standpoint those who leave because they are angry would not generate as much revenue and could actually benefit the player base.

Although this won't solve all of the botting issues of freeplayers (as well as doing nothing for the players), I think it has gotten to the point where a significant step such as this will be required to stop RWTers and make freeplay the game I was familiar with. Jagex must also up their work on stopping bots and bot makers, and also show visible improvements and public updates.

The most crucial thing that Jagex needs to accomplish is to restore the faith of its players. Jagex needs to show that they can run the game. At the moment it appears that it's completely out of their hands. This is my most favourite game, and I'm able to admit it with honesty. However, it is not the most easy thing I have ever quit. We thank you for buy OSRS gold your patience with my nightly rants.

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