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Voidk - Executive Producer on Diablo II: Resurrected adds

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For Diablo II: Resurrected, that includes the game and Diablo 2 Resurrected Items the Lords of Destruction expansion, one way to think about it is in that rotoscope or tracing sense. Employing the inherent assets and game for a way to push the 3D layer. On top of taking each and every element and recreating it, animating it, adding textures, and light too -- that the challenge mostly derives from the nature of moving 3D.

"It's the 2D to 3D world translation," Rod Fergusson, Executive Producer on Diablo II: Resurrected adds. "When you've got a sprite-based 2D world it's a horizontal thing on a level thing. And today you've got stairs with elevation, you've got undulating ground a sword has to fall onto. Even simple things such as readability become a challenge, such as a Paladin's Aura. The way that you're able to see the Aura very clearly tells you you have that specific Aura. Imagine if you are walking into a grassy area and the air is being obstructed by grass because that's 3D today and it's physically on the ground and growing up through the Aura.

"The background could be fancy cushions, it may be heaps of skulls, it might be sand dunes, but it's really only a horizontal image," Rob Gallerani clarifies. "When you drop a sword, that is a 2D sprite. It is only a flat sprite and it sits on the top and you will see it. When we have a 3D sword resting on 3D skulls and bumpy things, we can't just get it done there since it would clip all those things. So we need to be sure that it renders on a pass that is in addition to those items. There is a lot of loose ends that all need to get accounted for when you're bringing a 2D sprite into a 3D world."

And it is that aspect, acquiring the 2D world drive the 3D layer that ensures that the team preserves the match as is. Even with adding an outstanding visual makeover, controller support, and a contemporary widescreen presentation that supports 4K TVs and ultrawide PC tracks, it's the same Diablo II it has always been.

"Everything is being positionally driven, data shrewd, or by that same 25 frames-per-second-logic cycle," Rob continues. "The simulation in addition to itfrom this, we could have an uncapped frame-rate for cartoon and other things. That is why it's one-to-one, even though it's really one and you're getting to Cheap Diablo 2 Items see this other layer at the top."


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