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Stopped playing Runescape at 2005

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Stopped playing Runescape at 2005, only started playing a Couple of Days ago and cheap OSRS gold I forgot just how entertaining RuneScape was

So servers are down and now I am bored, therefore I might as well post something about how I have been feeling while playing for the previous five days after being out from RuneScape for roughly 15 decades. First up was that the feeling of being overwhelmed. There is really no other sport like Runescape in regards to what to do if make your personality. I legit didn't know where to start because it was so open. Level combat abilities? Flat magical? Teleporting seems fine. Level crafting to generate income? That could be beneficial.

It was fun although I opted to do a little bit. I will say I had forgotten how painfully small that the inventory in RuneScape is, and it took a while for me to recognize what I want to be picking up and exactly what I want to just dismiss. I don't know whether that's because I was 13 when I last played therefore very stupid, or if a great deal has changed since then, but there is so many things I don't remember. Being able to note the whole grand exchange, half the quests, and things were fresh to me, and there's something or end game raids? Like actual supervisors with mechanisms? Certainly something to look forward to.

Speaking of quests I understood how interesting and dull they are. And I understand some people will hate this since the experience is ruined by it or anything, but after a few quests I started looking up exactly what the requirements were. I knowI know, the entire point of RuneScape would be to explore and find out things as you move, but man running back and forth over and over for different quest things is so much more painful than simply buying everything beforehand and getting it done quicker. That being said the quests are fun, the conversation is actually good and I didn't believe any of them although there are not lots of 2 play quests were designed or made.

Although I finished all but Dragon Slayer in roughly two days, like I said it's significantly quicker when you look up things lol. I absolutely adore how some of the stuff is. If I really want to focus hard and try I can do this and get a lot done and battle enemies, but if my friends want to play with a game I can throw RS in my other monitor and still make meaningful progress with something like fishing without needing to focus on it.

I also found out Twitch Prime provides you membership for a couple weeks, and man today I'm just as confused as before. There is so many new quests, new zones, new abilities and it's just so overwhelming and different, but I really like it. In fact I decided that now that I have membership I don't want to go back to free to play, and also the bond system appears fantastic for that. Earning money is my favourite thing to do in each match, and with all the newest (?) Grand exchange and bonds it gives me the reason to do it in Runescape too, and man I'm very excited for it. There's a lot of money making approaches, some are decently AFK-able, and it has been a good deal of fun researching options and buy rs 3 gold figuring out what abilities are best for earning gp.

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