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В Йошкар-Оле прошел Парад в честь 79-й годовщины Великой Победы

В преддверии Дня Победы героями проекта «Разговоры о важном» стали участники легендарных сражений Великой Отечественной войны

В Йошкар-Оле прошел парад Победы

Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 17.01.2021 0:51 (GMT 3)

Pelosi says any lawmaker who helped insurrectionists could face criminal prosecution
"If in fact it is found that members of Congress were accomplices to this insurrection, if they aided and abetted the crime, there may have to be actions taken beyond the Congress in terms of prosecutions," Pelosi said at a press conference, choking up at times as she decried the racism and bigotry some of the rioters displayed openly on Capitol grounds.

"In order to serve here with each other, we must trust that people have respect for their oath of office, respect for this institution," she said. "We must trust each other, respecting the people who sent us here. We must also have the truth. And that will be looked into."
Democrats have not presented specific evidence that any lawmakers helped lead these tours but have asked the Capitol Police to provide logs.

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After speaking out against the insurrection, CEOs ‘just want the screaming to stop’

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За "Северный поток" и против "антипутинской истерии". Чем известен Лашет, который стал преемником Меркель

В Германии выбрали нового главу правящей партии Христианско-демократический союз (ХДС), который заменит нынешнего лидера Ангелу Меркель.
Преемником "Мутти", собравшейся в отставку после предстоящих этой осенью парламентских выборов, стал ее фаворит - 59-летний Армин Лашет, премьер-министр федеральной земли Северный Рейн-Вестфалия, экс-журналист, которого называют продолжателем политики Меркель.
В Германии перед партийными выборами шутили, что следующий немецкий канцлер тоже будет "Меркель", хотя и без Ангелы.
У Лашета теперь есть большие шансы стать новым канцлером Германии после выборов Бундестага, если на них вновь победит ХДС.

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15 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


14 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


14 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


13 янв. 2021 г
Источник видео.


13 янв. 2021 г.
Источник видео.


Посол США провела онлайн-встречу с Филатовым и еще четырьмя мэрами
Во встрече с Кристиной Квин приняли участие мэры следующих городов: Днепра (Борис Филатов), Черновцов (Роман Кличук), Кропивницкого (Андрей Райкович), Николаева (Александр Сенкевич) и Житомира (Сергей Сухомлин).
"Хорошо обсудили вопросы децентрализации, Covid-19 и другое", - сообщили в пресс-службе.

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Кулеба заявил, что Украина не вмешивалась во внутренние дела США, но уличенные в этом будут наказаны
"Относительно какого-то напряжения в двусторонних отношениях, то нет - мы его не чувствуем, потому что нет никаких оснований утверждать, что Украина, как государство, вмешивалась во внутренние дела США. Этого не было, этого нет, и этого никогда не будет. Действия отдельных лиц должны соответственно рассматриваться и решаться, как действия отдельных физических лиц", - сказал Кулеба.
По его словам, любой человек, который хочет повлиять на внутреннеполитические процессы в США, в конце концов понесут за это ответственность, так как Штаты принципиально относятся к таким вещам.
"Потому все люди, которые пытались это делать, должны были осознавать последствия подобных шагов", - сказал министр.
Кулеба добавил, что в США, во всей коммуникации, посвященной вмешательствам в выборы, говорится о наличии оснований подозревать отдельных людей в действиях в интересах Российской Федерации, а не Украины.
"Это очень важно замечание, чтобы в информационном пространстве и общественном мнении США не формировалось мнение о том, что это украинцы от имени Украинского государства что-то делали", - подчеркнул дипломат.

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Пионерское лето Виктории Нуланд. Как будущий зам госсекретаря США дралась с вожатой в лагере под Одессой

В тоже время, в биографии Нуланд есть любопытный факт, связанный с нашей страной.
Когда Нуланд в 2014 году посетила Одессу она сказала, что в этом городе уже во второй раз. В первый раз будущая помощница госсекретаря США приезжала с американской делегацией в одесский пионерлагерь "Молодая гвардия" летом 1982 года.

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Крах Зеленского и ловушка для Байдена. Почему провалилась политика США в Украине. Анализ The National Interest

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CША передали Украине более 100 единиц военной техники
"Ничто не могло остановить доставку 20 "Хамви" для Сухопутных войск Вооруженных сил Украины и командования Сил специальных операций ВС Украины, а также 84 лодок для Военно-морских сил ВС Украины в рамках Инициативы содействия безопасности Украины", - говорится в сообщении посольства.

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Сломали планы России: Зеленский почтил киборгов и заявил о флаге Украины над Донецком
«Героическая оборона Донецкого аэропорта окончательно сломала планы России по захвату Украины. Это выглядело как чудо, когда наши люди выдерживали даже после того, как начал «сдаваться» бетон. Но никакого чуда - это отражало закономерность. Потому что украинцы доказали, что рубеж свободы народов в Европе теперь - по восточной границе нашего государства, и на запад его уже никто и никогда не отодвинет», - подчеркнул он.


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Россия хочет снять с себя ответственность за начало вооруженного конфликта на Донбассе - Генштаб ВСУ
«Россия стремится любой ценой снять с себя ответственность за начало международного вооруженного конфликта на Донбассе, распространяя свои сообщения через агентов влияния, разного рода апологетов «русского мира», которые в эфире украинского телеканала называют преступниками украинскую армию и всех, кто носит погоны. Особенно цинично это было накануне годовщины памяти павших в Донецком аэропорту защитников Украины», - подчеркивается в заявлении.

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Началась украинизация сферы услуг. Как бизнес заставляют убирать русский язык. Обновляется
С 16 января вступает в силу очередная норма закона об украинизации. Интересно, что происходит это в годовщину "диктаторских" законов Януковича, которые были приняты ровно семь лет назад.
На мову должна перейти вся сфера услуг. Это касается не только продавцов и официантов, но и всех, кто общается с клиентами: от фитнес-инструкторов и репетиторов до электронных коммуникаций интернет-магазинов.
Также эта норма касается вывесок, ценников и других внешних проявлений сферы услуг. Санкция за языковое неповиновение - штраф.

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В Минкульте назвали главную цель перевода сферы услуг на государственный язык (видео)
«Также на украинском должна предоставляться информация о товарах и услугах учреждения. К примеру, в меню, на билетах, ценниках, инструкциях, маркировках», - пояснил министр.

«Говоря о штрафах, речь идет именно о субъектах хозяйствования и только в случае, если их работники откажутся общаться на украинском. Но важно понять, что штрафы - не самоцель. Накладывать их просто так никто не в праве. Только при условии фиксации случаев нарушений и вынесения сначала предупреждения, которое должно быть исправлено в течение года. Но не факт, что нарушение подтвердится и штраф применят, потому что каждый случай будет рассматриваться отдельно», - отметил министр.

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Зеленский попросил Меркель о вакцинах - ОП
"Главной задачей сейчас является защитить наиболее уязвимые категории граждан: пожилых людей, врачей, военнослужащих. Появление сертифицированных вакцин дает нам всем надежду", - цитирует Зеленского его офис.

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В Китае призвали приостановить вакцинацию препаратами Pfizer из-за массовых смертей после прививок

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Facebook blocking new event listings near Capitol, White House through inauguration

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Retired general who led Katrina response tapped for immediate review of Capitol security

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Judge blocks release of man pictured with feet on desk in Pelosi's office
An Arkansas man who became one of the most recognized figures in last week’s Capitol riot after being photographed propping his feet up on a desk in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office won an order Friday releasing him to house arrest, only to have that ruling overturned hours later.
Following a five-hour hearing Friday afternoon in Arkansas, Richard Barnett, 60, got the permission of a magistrate judge to return home to await trial on charges of entering Capitol grounds with a stun-gun, disorderly conduct and theft.

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'I’m facing a prison sentence': US Capitol rioters plead with Trump for pardons
After surrendering to the FBI on Friday, Ryan said: “We all deserve a pardon.”
“I’m facing a prison sentence,” she told CBS11 at her home. “I think I do not deserve that.”
Turning to look into the camera, she said: “I would ask the president of the United States to give me a pardon.”
On Wednesday, Trump was impeached for inciting the attack on 6 January that left five people dead, including a police officer, and sent lawmakers fleeing for their lives.
Ryan said she had been “displaying my patriotism”, adding: “I listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol.”

[url= https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/16/us-capitol-rioters-donald-trump-pardons]Материал полностью.[/url]

If Trump looks like a fascist and acts like a fascist, then maybe he is one
Assurances that “fascism couldn’t happen here” are always appealing in Anglo-Saxon countries that think themselves immune because “it” never did. The US and UK did not experience rule by Nazism or communism in the 20th century and the ignorance our lucky histories fostered has weakened our defences in the 21st.

Even after all that has happened in Washington, apparently serious voices insist we cannot compare Donald Trump to any variety of fascist. Conservatives habitually say that liberals call everything they don’t like fascist, forgetting that the moral of Aesop’s fable was that the boy who cried wolf was right in the end. They used to chortle about “Trump derangement syndrome” that spreads in stages like cancer until sufferers “cannot distinguish fantasy from reality”. They have bitten their tongues now that the reality of Trumpism is deranged mobs trying to overthrow democracy.

Their silence was broken last week by the historian of Nazism, Richard Evans, who with the effortless ability to miss every point a professorship at Cambridge bestows, decided now was the moment to denounce his colleagues, Timothy Snyder and Sarah Churchwell. They might compare the Trump and fascist movements but “few who have described Trump as a fascist can be called real experts in the field”, he wrote in the New Statesman with an audible sniff. “Genuine specialists”, such as, and since you asked, himself, “agree that whatever else he is, Trump is not a fascist”.

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Trump may be gone, but his big lie will linger. Here’s how we can fight it
The truth hurts, but lies kill. The past 12 months have demonstrated that with a terrifying clarity. Lies about Covid, insisting that it was a hoax cooked up by the deep state, led millions of people to drop their guard and get infected. And one big lie about the US election – claiming that Donald Trump had won, when he’d lost – led to the storming of the US Capitol and an eruption of violence that left five dead.

The impact has been so swift, events rushing by in a blur, that it’s easy to miss the significance. On Wednesday, Donald Trump – already only the third US president in history to be impeached – was impeached again. In the first 222 years of the country’s existence, impeachment happened only once. Now that most severe, vanishingly rare of sanctions has struck twice in a single year.

In the past, the impeachment process unfolded at a slow crawl: 11 months separated the day Bill Clinton vowed he’d never had “sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky and the vote in the House of Representatives to try him for high crimes and misdemeanours. This time it happened in a week, the speed a function of two unusual circumstances: first, the accused has only days left in office; second, those House members were witnesses, Congress the scene of the crime.

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The silencing of Trump has highlighted the authoritarian power of tech giants
That’s because Trump and his cultists had been “deplatformed”. By banning him, Twitter effectively took away the megaphone he’s been masterfully deploying since he ran for president. The shock of the 6 January assault on the Capitol was seismic enough to convince even Mark Zuckerberg that the plug finally had to be pulled. And so it was, even to the point of Amazon Web Services terminating the hosting of Parler, a Twitter alternative for alt-right extremists.

The deafening silence that followed these measures was, however, offset by an explosion of commentary about their implications for freedom, democracy and the future of civilisation as we know it. Wading knee-deep through such a torrent of opinion about the first amendment, free speech, censorship, tech power and “accountability” (whatever that might mean), it was sometimes hard to keep one’s bearings. But what came to mind continually was H L Mencken’s astute insight that “for every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong”. The air was filled with people touting such answers.
In the midst of the discursive chaos, though, some general themes could be discerned. The first highlighted cultural differences, especially between the US with its sacred first amendment on the one hand and European and other societies, which have more ambivalent histories of moderating speech. The obvious problem with this line of discussion is that the first amendment is about government regulation of speech and has nothing whatsoever to do with tech companies, which are free to do as they like on their platforms.
A second theme viewed the root cause of the problem as the lax regulatory climate in the US over the last three decades, which led to the emergence of a few giant tech companies that effectively became the hosts for much of the public sphere. If there were many Facebooks, YouTubes and Twitters, so the counter-argument runs, then censorship would be less effective and problematic because anyone denied a platform could always go elsewhere.
Then there were arguments about power and accountability. In a democracy, those who make decisions about which speech is acceptable and which isn’t ought to be democratically accountable. “The fact that a CEO can pull the plug on Potus’s loudspeaker without any checks and balances,” fumed EU commissioner Thierry Breton, “is not only confirmation of the power of these platforms, but it also displays deep weaknesses in the way our society is organised in the digital space.” Or, to put it another way, who elected the bosses of Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter?

What was missing from the discourse was any consideration of whether the problem exposed by the sudden deplatforming of Trump and his associates and camp followers is actually soluble – at least in the way it has been framed until now. The paradox that the internet is a global system but law is territorial (and culture-specific) has traditionally been a way of stopping conversations about how to get the technology under democratic control. And it was running through the discussion all week like a length of barbed wire that snagged anyone trying to make progress through the morass.

All of which suggests that it’d be worth trying to reframe the problem in more productive ways. One interesting suggestion for how to do that came last week in a thoughtful Twitter thread by Blayne Haggart, a Canadian political scientist. Forget about speech for a moment, he suggests, and think about an analogous problem in another sphere – banking. “Different societies have different tolerances for financial risk,” he writes, “with different regulatory regimes to match. Just like countries are free to set their own banking rules, they should be free to set strong conditions, including ownership rules, on how platforms operate in their territory. Decisions by a company in one country should not be binding on citizens in another country.”

In those terms, HSBC may be a “global” bank, but when it’s operating in the UK it has to obey British regulations. Similarly, when operating in the US, it follows that jurisdiction’s rules. Translating that to the tech sphere, it suggests that the time has come to stop accepting the tech giant’s claims to be hyper-global corporations, whereas in fact they are US companies operating in many jurisdictions across the globe, paying as little local tax as possible and resisting local regulation with all the lobbying resources they can muster. Facebook, YouTube, Google and Twitter can bleat as sanctimoniously as they like about freedom of speech and the first amendment in the US, but when they operate here, as Facebook UK, say, then they’re merely British subsidiaries of an American corporation incorporated in California. And these subsidiaries obey British laws on defamation, hate speech and other statutes that have nothing to do with the first amendment. Oh, and they pay taxes on their local revenues.

What I’ve been reading
Capitol ideas
What Happened? is a blog post by the Duke sociologist Kieran Healy, which is the most insightful attempt I’ve come across to explain the 6 January attack on Washington’s Capitol building.

Tweet and sour
How @realDonaldTrump Changed Politics — and America. Derek Robertson in Politico on how Trump “governed” 140 characters at a time.

Stay safe
The Plague Year is a terrific New Yorker essay by Lawrence Wright that includes some very good reasons not to be blase about Covid.

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POLITICO Playbook: What the right gets wrong about Big Tech and the Capitol coup

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James Murdoch says US media 'lies' unleashed 'insidious forces'
James Murdoch has condemned the US media for “propagating lies” which have unleashed “insidious and uncontrollable forces” that will endure for years.
Questioned about whether Fox News – founded by his father Rupert Murdoch and run by his brother Lachlan – had played a role in the riot at the Capitol last week, he said media groups had amplified election disinformation, which successfully sowed falsehoods.
Providing his sternest reproach yet of the US news industry since stepping away from the family business, Murdoch stopped short of naming Fox News but the comments will be seen as a thinly veiled rebuke.
“The damage is profound,” he told the Financial Times in an interview. “The sacking of the Capitol is proof positive that what we thought was dangerous is indeed very much so. Those outlets that propagate lies to their audience have unleashed insidious and uncontrollable forces that will be with us for years.
“I hope that those people who didn’t think it was that dangerous now understand, and that they stop.”
He added that the media would inevitably face “a reckoning” after being “co-opted by forces that only want to stay in power, or are manipulating our discourse from abroad and are only too happy to make a mess and burn things down.”
In a subsequent statement issued jointly with his wife, Kathryn, they added: “Spreading disinformation – whether about the election, public health or climate change – has real world consequences. Many media property owners have as much responsibility as the elected officials who know the truth but instead choose to propagate lies.
“We hope the awful scenes we have all been seeing will finally convince those enablers to repudiate the toxic politics they have promoted once and forever.”
Fox News was contacted for comment. While it has run some stories critical of the outgoing US president, Donald Trump, it has been largely supportive of his rule and some Fox News personalities have amplified his false election fraud claims.
“Tonight every American should be angry, outraged, worried and concerned about what happened in the election,” Sean Hannity said on his programme in November. “Here’s the question that every American is going to have to answer by themselves. Do you trust what happened in this election? Do you believe these election results are accurate? Do you believe this was a free and fair election? I have a lot of questions.”

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Covid UK daily deaths up by 1,295
Britain recorded its third-highest daily Covid-19 death toll on Saturday, but the number of new infections dropped to its lowest level this year.
The number of people who died within 28 days of a positive coronavirus test rose by 1,295 to 88,590.
Separate figures published by the UK’s statistics agencies for deaths where Covid-19 has been mentioned on the death certificate, together with additional data on deaths that have occurred in recent days, show there have now been 104,000 deaths involving Covid-19 nationwide.
A further 41,346 lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus were recorded, down from 55,761 on Friday and the lowest daily total since 27 December.
The latest data brings the total number of cases in the UK to 3,357,361 and comes as doctors across the NHS face an “immediate reality” of having to choose which patients are prioritised for care.
Meanwhile, the number of people in the UK to have been given a first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine was 3,559,179 as of Friday, according to government data published on Saturday – marking a rise of 324,233 from Friday’s figures.
The total number of jabs administered in the UK, including both first and second doses, is 4,006,440.

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Guardsmen stationed at U.S. Capitol building to get cots
Members of the National Guard rest inside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in Washington, D.C. | Stephen Voss for Politico
The National Guardsmen providing security in the U.S. Capitol ahead of the inauguration are soon getting cots, after images went viral last week of troops sleeping on the floor in the halls of Congress, according to four people familiar with the decision.
Guard spokesman Wayne Hall confirmed Saturday that Federal Emergency Management Agency received a formal request through the D.C. Emergency Operations Center for more than 1,200 cots “to provide comfort for members of the National Guard supporting law enforcement and the upcoming presidential inauguration in D.C.”

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С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.

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