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Worth becoming Madden 21?

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Порт пяти морей. В Москве стартовал летней сезон речной навигации

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I have not really looked much into another madden. I'm wondering if anyone else is considering not getting it. I don't want this to be the exact same game and I expect they included some new stuff.

After 5 campaigns of mut and visiting the entire year to year decline in gameplay, content and generally incompetence of this programmers/designers/dev group, I won't play a different madden until there's competition from another corporation. Interesting to see the amount of individuals on twitter and here that will comment on a ton of Madden posts about how they are 100% done with Madden. Then you look and they're currently playing with the match but still whining. Yeah. Only consider it a public service announcement possibly into the newer ppl to Madden. If you feel the need, Don't hesitate to verify my page. But if ppl do not speak up nothing could ever change. Don't listen to this kid.. He literally preordered the mvp edition of madden 21. I quit but am on here for posts like these. I play 19 from time to time but I would rather not play than give ea money for nothing. I will not be. After how they managed madden 21 all the way throughout (and I will not get into all of the details), there were so many issues on the way they managed madden 21. But, I think one had been animations. When I have a WR on a streak and I click on the competitive catch button but he moves into defensive mode, it is so frustrating. I fired up NHL 19 recently, and I forgot the way the game flows so smoothly and reacts as anticipated when you click a button.

I can't foresee how Madden 21 doesn't have issues much the devs ignore the community. I love soccer, and the only reason I was able to play with Madden was because it was the sole real soccer game on the market. However, after these 7-10 decades of playing Madden, im done. Soccer is not really a great enough motive to balance out the greed, lack of new features, lack of gameplay enhancements, lack of content, and the lack of attention that this sport receives since it has no competition. Rubs me the wrong way as none of it seems to be set back into the game that this game makes hundreds of millions yearly and none of the shows. I stopped last year, best I felt in a little while. Played with games that felt great. Not coming back until EA gets my time. Madden 21 ought to be a far better game than 20. The men and women who go on and on about Madden being precisely the exact same game every year are simply being drama queens. If you want to paint with a broad brush then yes, Madden is basically the same game. You call also state the NFL is the same every year and there's no purpose and watching it after you have seen it annually since"it is the exact same game every year." 11 people on the field, quarterback throws the ball, touchdown is 6 points, same concepts with small changes every year, etc.. Madden won't change since soccer doesn't change much from year to year. You can get more.

Please click https://www.mmoexp.com/Nfl-21/Coins.html

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