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Dofus is already great for low level

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Be in a position to try on equipments, colours, mounts etc.. Just like a showroom so that you know how you're look instaid of utilizing. Perhaps even have a setbuilder and cheap Dofus Kamascheap Dofus Kamas try the set in game with any class you select. Some classes is simple to comprehend the damage you will manage, such as Osas combos and summons. (I swap classes alot and would love this). I would love to have the ability to make a dungeon beneath lvl 200 harder. Monsters profit 50 or 100 percent more vit and damage but you will be the same level as the dungeon, with this you need to get rewards and perhaps better rewards if you play with people that is not yours, considering multiloggers (No extra rewards for Ilyzaelle). I personally don't like the fantasy concept, which could be intriguing. This is my record that is long and that I probably have a few dumb ideas I can not think of right now.

Dofus is already great for low level. "Hurry to endgame" is something that disturbs most game and dofus isn't an exception. Even if they restricted it in a manner that it's not possible to leech to elevated level fast a lot of people will simply don't like their experience because they can't get to endgame quickly. Individuals who desire a good experience already take their time leveling up and exploring, you can not force people who want to achieve endgame after possible without making them ill of Dofus. There is tons of approaches to enhance the experience for lower levels imo and the spells have a lot of restrictions before degree 100, Elio for example who desires range on their own spell to disable portals is just 4 cells at first, that's essentially saying"Use only two portals or do not use them at all", should be atleast 6 array (It is 8 in maximum rank). Stuff like this.

Dofus has no leeching restrictions unlike any other game, which I'd like to see. Every thing below 190 is basically useless and that is okay on Ilyzaelle I figure but soon enough it'll be the same there. The sad part is that I have talked to hundreds of fresh players and they've all thought that acquiring high degree is the thing to do, with that idea in their head they failed to observe the stage at playing normally. "Leeching to get kamas" could be a contributor to this.Give us a method to swap resources such as desert forests for kolotokens, I just get so pissed when I see the pebbles being in every recipe and costing 400k kamas then tourmalines are in the measurement collections ans like 2 more and therefore are only 15k. If I don't like pvp I can't do it that means that if I need equipment I am obligued to or spend 500k for each pebble. I am not saying make it rose=1 kolotoken, maybe 10 or 20 or even 50,but allow me to grind to them without needing to play pvp.

Same, sometimes it bites you in the ass because the next part needs a hint from the dialogue and you have to check the Wikia. I've played Dofus casually for nearly two years and took a long break and only bow after 3 weeks, again playing softly a couple days a week, I got my very first Dofus ever. Yeah, I do not regret not reading the dialogs.I did the emerald pursuit until me and my gf at the time got stuck attempting to hunt for the god damn thieves. The narrative is quite decent, especially when you see dim vladd's new gf and all, except since Dofus and Wakfu don't actually have a deadline when you see the new dark vladd design along with the cartoon it feels... confusing. In fact, most characters in Dofus have intriguing stories, the dilemma is that many of the quests you will discover it to be a walking simulator. Like Ergoraptor said about zelda"imagine you are studying a book, but each page you flip you have to dofus kamas ilyzaelle walk 4 days round the house first".

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