So I jumped with these 2 guys after trying to find a park game

You are not understanding a small gets elite, expert and small touch dunks. Contact dunks that are small are more more useful then big man. I know this since I have a NBA 2K20 MT Coins man with hof finishing badges. They only trigger when there is a person directly beneath the hoop and if you move against somebody with a brain they will almost never be under the hoop. And a huge man can only equip such as 10 play making badges, and can't get things. Little have badge choices. Dimer is got by small forwards, I know because I have you. Are you so angry about a simple discussion?
I am able to guard all 5 positions, hit corner threes (in case you know your jumpshot), reach the rim at simplicity, and leap higher than usually any other player in a rec game to grab boards. The build forces you to play oriented. I have games of quadruple doubles together with five or more blocks. I play power forward most of the time in rec and it's no problem since I have a ton of Hof defensive badges. I im too athletic for them to score, and outside snag centers. Imo most advocate small forward construct, I understand 6'7 is brief but once you have the feel of him and understand how to perform team first basketball, you are going to pile up the wins with a full group of randoms going against a full squad.
Probably my experience on 2K
So I jumped with these 2 guys after trying to find a park game. These two guys are SS1. After a little I figured they weren't going pass me the ball the entire game for an open dunk. I just gave up and realised that the team were also friends with these two. So I am guessing 5 of these just wanted to boost or something? About halfway into NBA 2K all 5 of them came onto match discussion and started talking a lotta shit for me but I didn't mention a word. Sounded like some teens who think they're lmao that was tough.
They began telephone me too and I just reacted by laughing because I am SS2 and the group also had an SS2. Somehow making them triggered, they started calling me fat from the way I sound lol when u have no clue who I am. Saying im a pussy and will knock tf outta me. I turned my mic off at this point and they screaming talking shit. It's honestly just sad these 5 dickheads are merely trying to locate a match just to talk smack to randoms.
Had the exact same thing happen on the Rec. Teammates were all ss2 or ss3. 1 of the guys started hogging so that I get on the microphone and I am trying to save NBA 2K training the rest of the group. Didn't understand that they knew one another. Next thing I know they are on the mic dropping all kinds of gay references. Head troll missed on purpose so that I wouldn't make any aids him off. My passes were taken by Others. We won for each of these at least 20 points. 0 for me. Head troll sent me a Buy MT 2K20 dick pic after. He was reported by me. At least I received my rep. Probably should have quit.
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